Resources & Links

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Parent Newsletter

Be sure to subscribe to our weekly parent newsletter to stay up to date on all school activities. Complete the form for each parent who would like to receive the newsletter.

Parent Newsletter


Email or call 303-763-7979 for attendance reporting.


2024-2025 Family-Student Handbook -dress codes, bell schedules, student conduct, after school programming.

Bell Schedule

2024-2025 Bell Schedule

Supply Lists

Preschool/Elementary School Supply List

Middle School School Supply List

High School School Supply List

Denver Christian Lunch Program

Please see your school newsletter for information about how to set up hot lunch account, menu, specialty performance meals, etc.

School Cancellation and Delay Procedures

Please click here for the link to the process of how we determine delays and cancelations due to weather.

Carline Procedures

Carline runs from 7:50-8:20 a.m. and 3:15-3:35 p.m.

K – 5 families Drop off and Pick up: Enter the Main (South) driveway and exit through the North driveway. Students (who do not ride with 6th-12th grade students)will be dropped off and picked up on the elementary side of the atrium doors, which are on the gym side.

6 – 12 carline student Drop off: Enter the North driveway (by the pond) and exit through the South (Main) driveway. All elementary students that ride with middle school students will go to the middle school side of carline. That means if your are dropping off an elementary student and middle school student you are entering in the NORTH ENTRANCE instead of the MAIN ENTRANCE.

8-12 carline student Pick up for students who do not carpool with K-5 students: Enter the overflow lot located on Mansfield and cue in the carpool line. Teachers will walk students to the overflow lot at 3:10 where students will enter their vehicle and exit out to Mansfield.

Gentle reminder: The main lobby is not considered a drop off or pick up location for carline. We ask that you use the carline procedures as listed.

Preschool families: When you drop off, pull in the main entrance and turn left into the preschool parking lot. You will exit the same way, just backtrack out the main drive. Parents picking up at the end of the day should use the Elementary carline (see above). The preschool parking lot is reserved for preschool families only, from 8:00-3:30pm Monday-Friday.

On Campus Parking is reserved for Staff and Seniors. Underclassmen should park on Teller Street or in the overflow parking off of Mansfield. All vehicles parked on campus during the school day MUST have a permit placard clearly displayed to park. Unauthorized vehicles parked on campus are subject to ticketing and towing at the owner’s expense.

Medical Resources

All students must demonstrate proof of immunization either by submitting an immunization record card or by filling out this exemption form (Notice of Immunization Requirement – Required Immunization(s) for School/Child Care). Click here for the School required Immunizations.

Click on links below to download medical forms:

Colorado Certificate of Immunization for Schools

Certificate of Medical Exemptions

Non-Medical Exemptions Options (expire YEARLY on June 30th):

Asthma Care Plan

Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan

Medication Administration Form

High School Physical Form

How Sick is Too Sick

Seizure Action Plan